Obtaining Honey Bees is easy, when you have help.
"Bee Principles" Handbook for Beekeepers
I like to ask my bee students in class, "Tell me? What do you know about Honey Bees?" A powerful question, to be sure. Even experienced Beekeepers quickly find out that they don't really know as much about Honey Bees as they initially thought. We teach these principles in our Beekeeping classes often.
Over the years, we’ve learned. Hey! This is hard. No doubt. Beekeeping is fun, mysterious, exciting and fulfilling. But only if you know what you’re doing with the Bees. If you lack the proper knowledge, beekeeping is costly, at best. Frustrating, stressful, and costly. I prefer the former, not the later. And I’m thinking, you’re the same way.
(One time pay, $40)
All sales final
Bee Principles Handbook

(This is a 153 page pdf e-book, that will be delivered to your e-mail address provided after purchase. All sales final.)
This e-book contains 42 solid "Bee Principles" that are required learning if you're going to become a solid Sustainable Beekeeper. With pictures and diagrams to help you learn.
You've heard the term "herding cats"? Too many people are trying to "heard cats" in their beekeeping efforts. Rather, we think it's wiser to learn HOW Honey Bees work and learn how to "work in harmony" with the colony. In order to do this, we must first understand THEIR principles by which they work.
I love "principles". Principles are irrespective of human opinion. They just work! Principles are something you can COUNT ON working time and time again. Which in turn, creates a KNOWN OUTCOME. Honey Bees have about 42 Principles by which they live on a daily basis. Once you learn such Principles, you're more than half way home in learning how to keep your Honey Bees healthy and happy. Happy Bees = a happy Beekeeper. Angry bees = a frustrated Beekeeper. Learn to work WITH YOUR BEES, not against them! Learn the "Bee Principles" by which they operate, and Beekeeping gets a whole lot easier! Now you know!

Confused about solving problems in Beekeeping? No problem. We've got the answers for you!
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